Atlanta Influences Everything, now what?! | Bem Joiner | TEDxCollierHeights
“Atlanta Influences Everything, now what?!” by Bem Joiber SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: Bem Joiner believes in Atlanta. Joiner, is one-third of the civic-minded creative collective “Atlanta Influences Everything.” Bem was born and raised in the West End neighborhood with in the City of Atlanta. He has a pure passion for its people and progress. Joiner, majorly contributes to what makes culture in Atlanta, cool and captivating. As a creative culture curator, Bem has managed and consulted a variety of lifestyle brands and designed meaningful programs for clients like Sprite, Mississippi Dept. of Education,, Jack Daniels, Nissan, the National Black Arts Festival and countless others. Most recently, Bem served as Community Engagement Coordinator for the Center for Civic Innovation. There, he used a creatively academic approach to social impact and entrepreneurship, to bring various subcultures, community members and other sectors of Atlanta together. To collaborate, innovate and elevate the city and all of its citizens. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at