Is There Hope For Detroit Public Schools? | NBC Nightly News
Is There Hope For Detroit Public Schools? | NBC Nightly News
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We Still In These Detroit Streets
We Still In These Detroit Streets
Join us in a vlog style journey through our experience with EAT Detroit. June 19, 2019.
Dej Loaf sat down with Big Von and talked about how she loves the vibe of the Bay Area, the difference between the Detroit and Bay Area sound musically, and what the hardest part about putting out new music is!
Strengthening the basic unity of this community is still a work in progress... 50 years later. But there's important work being done in our city.
Asia Newson is the co-founder and CEO of Super Business Girl, a company she runs with her parents.
VLOG: being tourists for a day in Detroit
VLOG: being tourists for a day in Detroit
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Homeless in Detroit Documentary
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